We work with our clients to reduce their pain, discomfort and bring them relief and rejuvenation, whether it be from sports and exercise or just your day to day. 

Welcome to our new home at Garage Gym

We focus on our customers experience, health and happiness. Welcome to our new home at Garage Gym, Methven.

We provide a friendly service, that helps our clients get back to optimal health and activity ASAP. We're dedicated to ensuring that our customers bodies, aches and pains are taken care of by offering a purposeful service to each individuals needs.

Sports Massage

Social or competitive athletes can benefit from sports massage. It is designed to support all athletes in competition, training and off-season phases. Regular massage for any athlete can reduce fatigue, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and prevent injury. Your therapists will use specific techniques to help maximize your performance. Sports massage allows you to train harder so you can perform at your best.

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Deep Tissue - Remedial - Therapeutic Massage

Remedial massage is used to help specific conditions. It can be useful to address posture related issues, injury rehabilitation, relieve muscle tension and for pain management. A range of techniques are used to achieve the best results. Trigger point therapy, myofascial release, PNF stretching, NMT, dry needles and cupping.

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Relaxation - Swedish Massage

A relaxation massage uses light to moderate strokes to activate the parasympathetic nervous system causing the body and mind to involuntarily rest and digest. It is designed to reduce stress, muscle tension and pain.

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Josh Dowdle

Massage Therapist

Diploma Therapeutic Massage, Certificate 1 & 2 - Lymphatic Drainage, Level 5 Personal Trainer

Josh has spent his working career in the health, fitness and massage industry in various gyms throughout New Zealand. As well as Physio, Chiropractic and Massage clinics around Canterbury.

Josh is qualified in lymphatic drainage with a Level 1 & 2 certificate.

He uses his background as a personal trainer to incorporate movement education and stretching within his massage sessions, with the goal of decreasing pain and improving his client's physical independence.

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Holly Clemett

Massage Therapist

Bachelor of Therapeutic and Sports Massage Diploma Remedial Massage

Diploma Relaxation and Wellness

Holly has been working in the clinic since 2018, after completing a Bachelor of Therapeutic and Sports Massage in Invercargill. 

Holly has experience with working with athletes to help improve their performance. She enjoys helping all types of people whether it be for rehabilitation, prevention of injury, sports performance, pregnancy or every day life and work alignments.

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